Hage v. U.S.
Forty years of hell thanks to
federal agents.
The Bundy Saga
Onslaught at Bunkerville
and other travesties.
Enemies of the State
The Hammonds, longtime Oregon ranchers after
decades of grief finally got their freedom!

Wayne Hage


Miracles in the Hage Case (Fall 2018)
The Ultimate Land Clearance
(Summer 2018)
Riding Into the Sunset (Summer 2018)
Has the Fat Lady Sung? (Summer 2018)
Spindled & Mutilated (Spring 2016)
Looking for Madison (Fall 2015)
Federal Misconduct Corralled (Summer 2013)
Supreme Court Denies Hage Petition
(June 18, 2013)
Eye of the Storm (Winter 2013)
Justice for Hage Family (Fall 2012)
Storming the Beaches of the Toiyabe (Fall 2012)
Our Federal Landlord (Winter 2012)
Victory at Pine Creek (Fall 2008)
David & Goliath (Summer 2001)
Bundy Fiasco (Spring 2018)
Bundy's Faith (Spring 2018)
In Search of Atticus Finch (Spring 2018)
BLM Hit Man (Fall 2017)
Matron Saint: Jeanette Finicum (Summer 2017)
Ammon Bundy's Slam Dunk (Spring 2017)

A Dead Bill of Rights? (Summer 2016)
Bundy Scares the Feds
(Summer 2016)

The Professionals
(Summer 2016)
Spindled and Mutilated (Spring 2016)
Looking for Madison (Fall 2015)
The Grass March (Summer 2015)
Onslaught at Gold Butte (Fall 2014)
Government Tyranny (Summer 2014)
The United EPA of America (Summer 2014)

Our Federal Landlord (Winter 2012)
Check the facts:
Euphoria (Fall 2018)
Miracles (Fall 2018)
Buckaroo Stew (Fall 2016)
Dwight, Steve and Susie (Spring 2016)
Spindled and mutilated (Spring 2016)

Looking for Madison (Fall 2015)
Government Tyranny (Summer 2014)
Enemies of the State (Spring 2013)

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