RANGE Special Report:
Water in the West
Produced with assistance from Nevada Rangeland Resources Commission, T.J. Day & Paragon Foundation.
There has never been more, and there will never be less. Water is the essence of all life. It is also perhaps the most indestructible substance on our planet, for while it may be altered in form and mass and become the carrier of other elements, there is little if any difference in the amount of water on the planet today than there has been through the eons of time. Even with the infinite uses mankind makes of it, there exists enough fresh water alone to provide every human being with more than 40 million gallons-far more in constantly replenished form than could be consumed in any lifetime.
Of all the paradoxes of existence, this one is the true master of human behavior and social order-thirst on a planet virtually made of water. Famine and feast, war and peace, civilization and extinction all begin in what seems the whim of a winter cloud.
SPECIAL SECTION: Water in the West
- Caught in the High Beams
- Betrayed by the Feds
- Basins
- The Map
- Aquifers
- Drought
- The West
- The Great Basin
- Big Lone Star Win
- How to Win a Property War
- The Texas Water Wars
- Drowning in Albuquerque?
Download Water in the West (PDF, 2.8MB).
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