RANGE magazine[an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Out on the Range

Cowpunching in Arizona. Words and photos by Wes Bernard.

Billy Bob Lane (shown at right) has been working, living and cowboying in northern Arizona since just after World War II. After the war he tried out in New York for the Yankees as a center fielder, but when he found out that he would have to live in the big city, he said, "No thanks, I want to be a cowboy." So he moved back home and has been in Flagstaff ever since. He still participates in the roundups and still drives fence posts. Asked about the country around northern Arizona, he says, "There is little water and little grass, but it grows a lot of rocks and cattle." When questioned about how he feels at the age of 79, he winks and says, "With both hands."

Bud Watson, cattle inspector from 1974-1999 (shown below), cuts calves out for branding for rancher Jim Shiew on Deep Lake Allotment in northern Arizona. Bud says, "It is some of the roughest country to raise cattle on, and one tough way to make a living." From scorching summer days that exceed a hundred degrees to freezing winter snowstorms. Not many can survive, let alone run a productive ranch, but there are a few who still do it and manage to thrive.

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