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>Please do not e-mail your photos or manuscript! We are not all that high-tech and still like to read paper manuscripts and see real photographs. (It’s hard to take the computer into the outhouse!;-) Thanks!

RANGE Magazine is an award-winning quarterly devoted to the issues that threaten the West, its people, lifestyles, lands, and wildlife. Known for its powerful photos and straight talk, RANGE portrays “The Cowboy Spirit on America’s Outback.” It exposes a land in crisis and shows how daily challenges are being met with grit, determination, and humor. No stranger to controversy, RANGE is the leading forum for opposing viewpoints in the search for solutions that will halt the depletion of a national resource–the American cowboy.

Completed manuscripts are OK, but we prefer a query letter in advance explaining your story idea, along with a couple of samples of your work. Good photographs (each captioned and credited) also help tell the story. Reprints will be considered but let us know where and when it was published. We use very few scenic photographs, preferring to see people at work, on the land, and in the ranch house, plus shots of wildlife and livestock on the range.

We use a lot of freelance material. Regular features run from 1,200-2,000 words; mini-features 750-1,200 words; columns and “Confessions of Red Meat Survivors” (nostalgic pieces about people over 80) run from 500-750 words.

Please submit dated manuscript, typed, double-spaced, with your name, address, phone, fax and social security number in the top right corner of the first page. Include a suggested title, blurb and byline with your story on the first page, but use simple page numbers only on succeeding pages. Mac or MS-DOS 3 1/2” discs, as well as your double-spaced hard copy, would be appreciated. Be sure to specify the application you used for our translation purposes. We use “MS Word for Mac.” If you prefer, you can e-mail to cj@rangemagazine.com (with story “attached”).

We prefer 35 mm slides in see-through plastic sleeves. Larger transparencies and good color prints (4”x6” minimum) can also be used. Black-and-white prints should be unmounted, 5”x7” up to 8”x12”. Each photo (print or slide) must include your name, address, phone number, and brief caption information.

Stories and photographs are accepted only on speculation. We reserve the right to edit all materials. We will handle your work with care but cannot guarantee against damage to, or loss of, any materials. Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your material to ensure safe return. Allow 6-8 weeks for response.

A note about digital photos...

They are cheap, easy, fun, and get most people great results for snap-shots, but, generally, we can’t use them because the files they create are too small for our reproduction requirements. Files we use for reproduction are generally 40-50mb in size. PLEASE DO NOT E-MAIL ANY DIGITAL IMAGES TO US! We have a small staff and have little time to view them (and a not too fast of internet connection, besides!).

If you would like us to look at your digital photos, please print on glossy or smooth photo-quality paper at your printer’s highest resolution, at least 600x600 ppi as a 5x7 to 8x10 print. They should have pleasing color (no color casts) and need to be absolutely sharpe with lots of detail. Please label each photos with your name, mailing address, phone number, e-mail address. Properly caption each with who, what, when, where, why.

If you are using a professional digital camera such as Canon D-30, D-60, Nikon D1 series, Kokak DCS 700 series, or other high-end image capture, please e-mail Larry Angier (langier@volcano.net) for digital specs...

RANGE magazine is produced by Purple Coyote Corporation. Payment will be discussed after receipt of acceptable story ideas and samples. If you want to sell to RANGE, read the publication first. Pick up a copy at a newsstand or ask for a sample copy by calling 1-800-RANGE-4-U.

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Copyright © 1998-2002 RANGE magazine

For problems or questions regarding this site, please contact langier@volcano.net or cj@rangemagazine.com

last page update: 12.10.02